Habit Change That Works in Your Life

Do you ever say to yourself, “This is NOT working in my life, why do I still do this, it’s REALLY got to change!?”

How often do you find yourself thinking this about food, exercise or how your body looks and feels?

And at the same time, wishing you could find a way to change the habits that undermine you, and not just for a few weeks or months.

Even the very healthy “disciplined” women I know still have challenges here, because it takes more that that…it takes your creative commitment.

And to really eat with pleasure and live in a body you love you need to create habits that will become the fabric of your every day life.

This is a powerful way to create a high level commitment around a habit change, so you can begin to sustain lasting results. This will work in any area of your life.

Here We Go

Let’s say you want to change your eating habits on weekday mornings.

Set an intent you care about. It can be a small change or a bigger change, as long as you care deeply about it. Even if it’s small, you can create massive change in this way. Recent studies have shown that contrary to what we used to believe, huge abrupt changes all at once are almost never sustainable. So go easy, but go strong.

In his recent book The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg talks about what we now know about this dynamic of one great habit creating another often-unrelated habit.  He cites studies that show, for example, that when a woman starts eating more nutrient dense foods, she is also more likely to eat less naturally, feels more readily drawn to exercise, and tends to watch less TV…

Hmmm…Breakfast relates to TV, who knew?! Isn’t that cool?
1. First, find out why you even care!

I can’t stress the importance of this enough; it can’t just be a good idea. A “good idea” will not be enough for you at 6 a.m. on a pouring down rainy morning. Please be awake to this truth. Nobody wants to eat better just to eat better. The bigger question is-

What will you DO with it?
Once it’s working beautifully for you, what’s this like?
What’s the big prize that you REALLY, REALLY want?

Do you want to be able to run the 5-mile trail behind the house?
Have your good jeans look and feel great?
Feel incredible, whatever your current age?
Have the energy you once had in the middle of your workdays?

Really connect with WHY you even want this habit change. Get clear on all the details you possibly can, because you will need your why on the days it’s not so easy. It will become your best ally.

2. Then, Re-design the behavior that triggers the habit you want to change.

Let’s say that right now you drive by Starbuck’s every day on your way to work and most days you go in for coffee and a treat.

First, decide what you want to change the habit TO. It won’t work without a new behavior to put into place. Have some fun with this; after all, you’re creating your life here, one awesome habit at a time!

So what will you do?
Create this well ahead of time when you’re rested and interested, don’t wait until that first Monday morning you plan to make your shift.

Will you be making sure you’ve got 2 or 3 nice things always on hand for breakfast? When you think about them, do you feel happy? (if not, see my simple test below!) Is there anything else you’ll need-a recipe or a list, a new shake blender?

Do you need some extra time in the morning to do this enjoyably?
What can you do the night before to make this easy?

3. Next, decide and create a plan for those times when you will face a challenge. I promise you this will make all the difference. Do it while you’re relaxed, creative and rested. This will not work when you’re hitting the snooze button for the third time on Monday morning and your son is sick.

This is a huge aspect of loving self-care that I invite all my clients to practice. What feels good to put in place NOW for the times that are challenging?

Make everything about this as automatic as possible, that way you won’t need to be constantly checking in with your willpower, which tends to sleep late…

Do you need to put an easy alternate plan in place, like nuts and fruit in the glove box of your car?
Something you love that you can keep in the freezer?

My simple test for a new habit I’m considering:

Does it feel fun, juicy, exciting or interesting?
Can I feel a surge in my body towards this new behavior I’m considering creating here?

If you get a “NO” you haven’t nailed it yet. If it feels like a slog, ask yourself:

What can I put into place here that FEELS good?
Am I missing something easy and obvious?

Follow these three simple steps, and you’ll be struck by how fast you can shift things in a very short time and have them be more and more automatic. It’s why people who once hated working out now often tell me they feel “off” and unsatisfied when they miss an exercise day; it’s become part of the fabric of day-to-day life, and NOW anything else seems unnatural.

This is the real power of habit creation, and one of the best ways I know to get it to work for you.

Want more help? Connect with me here

Here’s to awakening your natural relationship with food, body and soul,


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