We. Need. Each. Other.

When I can remember this I always relax a little.
Allow myself to be held in the arms of this giant truth.
If you’re a woman, you are particularly wired for this.

It’s such a trap to think we’ve “got this” all by ourselves. And by “this”,
I mean a lot of things.
Food. Body. Life. Love.
Relationships. Work. Pain.

We don’t.
I don’t believe we’re meant to.

And instead of being a sign of weakness as a lot of us were taught,
it’s a sign of courage to recognize this,
to own this and come to know it as the doorway it is.

When it’s time to make a big leap, we need each other…
to help us hold our vision, to remind us who we can be,
to not get de-railed by the old story about how crappily
we think we’ve done it up until now,
or the historical limits learned at the knees of
well-meaning parents, etc.

Holding visions of power and pleasure for each other.
Touching in to a space we CANNOT always access alone.

And what has this all got to do with yours and my sense of food, eating, of how we inhabit our bodies? Everything…oh honey.
So very connected.

Do you have the courage to ask for help
when you need it?

Do you?


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