The Stockpot
Slow cooked inspiration,
insight and soul nourishment
New Here? Read this first.

Eating Authentically© – What it Is & Why it Matters
Welcome! The fact that you’re here reading this now means the voice inside you is asking to be heard.And YAY to listening to the whispers

Quieting the Noise Inside Your Head
I was deep into a day of way too much. Too much noise, literally and metaphorically.Too much information.Too many choices.Too

What We’re Teaching our Girls About Eating
This topic is on my mind because I’m workingwith two clients right now who are getting very aware of the

The Body Never Lies. Ever.
I spent the first 35 years of my life either not understanding,or not trusting my body’s signalswith what to eat

Eating for Energy Through the Holidays
A lot of you are asking for creative, on-the-fly support with your relationship to food, as life gets a little

We. Need. Each. Other.
When I can remember this I always relax a little.Allow myself to be held in the arms of this giant

How You Can Use Words to Change the Way You Eat
I’ve worked with plenty of women over the years who come to realizethat the words they usecan either support the

Laws of a Perfect Body, Part Two
I love, love, love summer! I love the food in the garden. I love all the ways I get to

Laws of a Perfect Body
I hope this finds you enjoying these long, lovely summer days and nights!Even though the spectacular weather here in the

Making Self-Care Easy
In a recent post I asked you if this would be your year, and gave you a good practice to

When Structure Equals Freedom
It’s been awhile since the last blog post…I’ve been a little busy being a rebel, which works really well for

Who’s Eating YOUR Food?!
Some really eye opening, (and often funny) insights come to my clients when they start thinking about WHO’S ACTUALLY EATING.

Why it’s so Nourishing to be Intimate with your Food – Yep!
My last summer tomato crop feels like a long time ago.In summer, food is basically art I get to eat,It

FREE Ebook
60 Pages of Liberation and Freedom From Habits You Are Ready To Release…
From Sabotage to Sovereignty:
6 Essential Practices for Relaxed Self-Trust with Eating
Click Below…It’s on its way!